b) 监装监柜主要在食品行业,化工*,玻璃易碎品,木业易燃品等国际上要求较高的监装监卸领域,
我们监装产品大部份出口尼日利亚,加拿大,俄罗斯,科威特 ,菲律宾,马来西亚,等
Inspecting a floor scrubber involves evaluating its physical condition, operational performance, and safety features to ensure it functions efficiently and meets quality standards. Here’s a detailed checklist for inspecting a floor scrubber:

1. 外观检查
• 外壳完整性:检查机器外壳是否有刮痕、破损或变形,零部件是否。
• 配件:包括刷头、吸水扒、清水箱、污水箱等是否配备,配件是否有损坏。
• 标签检查:查看产品型号、制造日期、合格证等标签是否清晰完整。
2. 功能测试
• 开关和按钮:启动洗地机,确保电源开关、操作按钮正常工作,无卡顿或延迟。
• 电源系统:电池型号、充电状态、续航时间是否符合标注。若为电源插电式,检查电源线无破损。
• 水箱功能:检查清水箱与污水箱的密封性及容量。确保水箱无泄漏,进出水口正常工作。
3. 工作性能
• 清洁效果:在实际场景中进行测试,检查刷头的转速及压力,确保能有效清洁地面。
• 吸水效果:吸水功能要有效,将地面污水*吸入污水箱,测试后地面应无明显积水。
• 移动灵活性:检查洗地机的灵活性,包括是否*推动、转向是否顺畅。
4. 噪音水平
• 启动后测试洗地机的噪音,确保噪音不**出行业标准范围,通常来说,噪音水平应低于75分贝。
5. 电气安全
• 漏电保护:检查是否有漏电保护装置,确保电气安全。
• 电线和插头:查看电线和插头是否完好无损,无线头。
6. 包装检查
• 外包装完整性:确认包装箱是否破损,运输过程中是否受损。
• 说明书与保修卡:说明书和保修卡是否,内容清晰完整。

目前主要服务地区:在广东,广西,江西 ,浙江,上海,河北,辽宁,河南,山东,安徽,江苏,福建,四川 ,贵州,天津,重庆等。

1. Visual and Physical Inspection
• Exterior Condition
• Components Check
• Brush and Pad Condition
• Wheels
• Seals and Gaskets
2. Electrical Inspection
• Battery Condition
• Charging System
• Power Cord Inspection
3. Water System Inspection
• Water Tank (Clean and Dirty): Ensure that both the clean water and dirty water tanks are intact, clean, and free of leaks. Check that the lids close tightly and that hoses and fittings are secure.
• Water Flow: Test the water dispensing system to make sure it flows at the correct rate, without leaking. Ensure no blockages in the pipes or nozzles.
• Water Suction: Inspect the suction system to verify that it effectively removes dirty water. The squeegee should leave the floor dry after the scrubber passes.
4. Operational Performance Test
• Control Panel: Power up the scrubber and test the control panel. All buttons, knobs, and indicators should function correctly without sticking or unresponsiveness.
• Scrubbing Efficiency: Test the scrubbing function by running the machine on a dirty surface. Check that the brushes rotate at the correct speed and pressure, effectively cleaning the floor.
• Vacuum and Suction: Test the vacuum function to ensure it efficiently sucks up water. The squeegee should leave the floor clean and dry with no streaks.
• Noise Level: Ensure the noise level during operation is within acceptable limits. Excessive noise might indicate motor or mechanical issues.
5. Safety Features
6. Accessories and Attachments
7. Packaging and Documentation
Final Report
Once the inspection is complete, document any issues found and whether repairs are necessary. Make sure all tested functions meet the manufacturer’s specifications before accepting or rejecting the machine.
A thorough inspection ensures the scrubber operates safely, efficiently, and without defects.